Main Page

Welcome to WikiBEEdia!

Thank you for visiting WikiBEEdia! This encyclopedia on honey bee and beekeeping related topics was created within the EU project BeeGuards. It aims to be the world's number one encyclopedia on honey bees, beekeeping, honey bee diseases, hive management and research. It is available in many languages and beekeepers and honey bee researchers from around the globe are invited to contribute. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].



Need help? No problem! We will help you with your wiki as needed. To start, try checking out these helpful links:

With the cheatsheet we added another link which shows some of the most common wikitext formatting codes to make writing articles a lot easier: Cheatsheet

How to add an article to a Category

WikiBEEdia is organised in different categories to make it easier to navigate. So far we divided our articles in six categories:

If you write a new article please do not forget to allocate your article to at least one category. To assign an article to a certain category you have to mark the article at the end of the page with the following code:

[[Category:Category name]]

With this code the article will be assigned to the chosen category. Another example with one of our categories would be: [[Category:Research]]

How to make translations

Pages that need translation have to be marked for translation, so that other users can translate an exiting article into several different languages.

Below is a example of how to mark a text for translation. The "text to translate" in our example can be a whole article.

<translate> text to translate </translate>

Klick on "Save changes" to confirm this. After you have done this, you have to choose the languages in which the text should be translated. To do so you have to click "Mark for translation" on top of the page, then you can choose the languages. For this project the following languages are of interest:

Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Chinese

After choosing the languages you can add the "language box". With that box every user can choose from all available languages on top of the article.

To add the "language box" you just have to type <languages /> on top of the article.

For a more detailed description of how translation works on WikiBEEdia, please follow the following link:

Funded by the European Union under GA No 101082073. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.